BEE Your Possibilities

08.01.24 02:55 PM Comment(s) By Charmaine

BEEing Possible

BEE Your Possibilities started out as BEE the Buzz Niagara, started by Carolyn Shannon of Empowerment Starts Here. It met the second Wednesday of the month at meeting room in St. Catharines in a restaurant or event space. That's where I started networking.  The people were wonderful. The information shared was valuable.

I looked forward to the monthly meetings.  When COVID hit, Carolyn took BEE Niagara on line. It was still a great meeting online.  Thank you Carolyn.

And then, Carolyn decided to retirre BEE the Buzz Niagara. When she announced it, at the end of 2020, I found myself asking if she would mind if I took over the time and date slot that she had been using. Her response shocked me. She said something like, "That would be great! And I know what you can call it. Call it, "BEE Your Possibilities." And that was how BEE Your Possibilities was founded. Our January meeting is the 12th meeting of our 3rd year. Again, thank you Carolyn.

What is different about the two groups is not a lot. Carolyn met live 10 months of the year with 2 special meetings. This BEE meets monthly, online. Our meetings are formatted on what I call, mastermind light. It is structured like a mastermind without the indepth accountability and commitments of a speific mastermind. 

We start with introductions - relationship building - about who you are, what your business does and how members can help you. 

The Education segment has a business related lesson that includes interactive discussion. Then, our

Business Building session has a member discuss their business more in-depth, again to let others know what the business does, how it serves its clients and how our membership can help each other. 

To Empower each other, each meeting has a Business Challenge session, were a member can register to go into discussion about solving a business challenge and brainstorming solutions for the member to select from, take away and try, and report back to the next meeting with results or feedback.

Why are we based on Bees? Bees work as a group, a team. That's what our group is about. Helping each other step into their possibilities as they

Build their business; Educate each other; and Empower each other. 

We meet monthly, the second Wednesday of the month, for two hours. The meetings are interactive, positive, and focused on solutions and possibility. Surprisingly, even meetings that we thought would be shorter, fill the complete 2 hours.

Want to buzz about your business? Register for our next meeting. 


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